Monday, April 23, 2007

The Black Plague

The old tyrrant leaned back in his chair
and surveyed his armies
marching like a black wave across
the globe.
Strategies, plans, alliances,
everything had been in preparation for this moment.
No time for hesitation or thought,
just action
and thoughtless prayers of a madman
for sixes to face the sky
on his three
red dice.


Drake Brookfield said...

I wish i liked to play Risk.... i mean what could be more stressful then taking over the world?....I mean I have trouble figuring out what I want to eat for dinner let alone ruling the world....

Jeremy said...

member that time we played risk and your brother told me i had awesome hair... right before i took over the entire world.

The Jake said...

Well, you did.

The Traditional Plastic said...

do you guys understand how many good things have happened around a Risk board? I can think of 3 specifically...

1. We were playing at Bobby's. And Bret wanted to play, but everyone at the table knew that he would be asleep in 3 minutes. 2.5 minutes later we were cleaning up his drool up off the board.

2. We were at Jesse's bachelor party...I called my roll 12 straight times.

3. Jake, you and I were cheating so bad...we would continually take handfuls of armies while Jesse wasnt looking and stack our armies...and yet...we still lost. Just won that day my friends...justice won. You will rue the day you eff with Justice

The Jake said...

Dude, that 12 roll prediction thing was the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

Drake Brookfield said...

you called your roll 12 straight times??????????????

Shelby Abbott said...

I really like the hotdogs they sell at know, the ones at the lunch stand behind the cashiers.